It is no longer a secret about the Payday loan industry and how rigid their terms are. While they might work for those that are completely sure they can pay it back on said date, they actually have higher interest rates than the highest credit card APRs. They are usually advertised as a way for people with bad credit to get some quick cash in a bind. Let it be known that the worst financial decisions you can make are taking out a short-term loans like these. Payday loans usually range from $100 to $1,000 and have interest rates of 400% or more, as mentioned. People who borrow these kinds of short-term loans get stuck in the revolving door debt cycle. A recent study by Pew Charitable Trusts, discovered that 7 in 10 borrowers use payday loans for everyday fast cash for reoccurring expenses attributed to rent and utilities. The alternative and way to avoid the vicious debt cycle, would be to consult with a local Pawn shop in Vista. They have been in existence for centuries, and are beco...